Monday 8 October 2012

People who inspire me

  This last week I have spent lots of time thinking about how lucky I am, I am surrounded by family members who have always gone above and beyond to make sure that my brothers and I have grown up feeling loved and making sure we knew we could achieve anything we ever wanted too. This led me to thinking about all the things these people have overcome in their own lives and so this post is a dedication to them, and a thank you for everything they have done.

My Nan:

My nan is quite simply my hero. As a young girl she taught me how to be gracious, funny, sarcastic, argumentative and inquisitive. If I wasn't at home I could nearly always be found at my nans. She introduced me to My Fair Lady (and a lifetime love of Audrey Hepburn) and the Sound of Music, and we spent many weekends watching (reciting) both films and often pointing out errors along the way - a habit that I still have to this day. As I grew up and discovered a love of dance and performing she was there every step of the way, always asking how an exam had gone and attending as many performances as she could. Once I left home to go to University I got letters in the post, funny phone conversations and the understanding that she was always only at the end of the phone should I need her. Even now, aged 90, she looks after me - sending microwavable saucepans and kitchen utensils down to make sure I am eating properly. At 90 she is absolutely switched on, knows the birthdays of all 6 (!!) of her sons and the names, ages and birthday months of all of her grandchildren and great children, of which there are many. I can quite easily say that I would never be the person I am today without the love, support and guidance I received from my nan when growing up.

My Mom:

My best friend, my inspiration, my confidante, my mom. I know everyone thinks they have the best mom in the world but I really do. Ever since I can remember she has supported my decisions whether they have been right or wrong and has been the champion to all my successes. I am sure we had our ups and downs when I was growing up, but I honestly don't remember them. What I remember is her filling the house with love whilst my dad was working away in France, home cooked meals, amazing picnics, baking cakes and a lifelong understanding of the value of a hot water bottle! I have been through many ups and down in my adult life and my mom has always been the person I can turn to, from questioning a relationship to asking about nail varnish my mom provides a frank and honest answer no matter who she may upset along the way. Now that I am married myself I realise the huge sacrifices my mom made to make sure that that my brothers and I didn't go without, sacrificing her own ambitions and dreams to make sure that we could attend dance classes, play football/rugby/cricket, go on school trips and have the things we wanted as children. She has recently gone to University and is doing amazing things, although in her usual self deprecating way she doesn't quite realise how amazing she is. Mom - without you I would never have overcome the numerous hurdles life has thrown at me. To my best friend and my mom I say Thank You.

My Dad:

My dad - the person who introduced me to Monty Python, taught me the off side rule, showed me how to use sarcasm to my benefit, taught me to believe in myself no matter what and who drove me to every audition, watched every show and championed every new dance step learnt. When I was growing up i'm not sure I appreciated just how amazing my dad is, he was just dad, the steady male influence in my life. When I left home aged 18 I began to understand just how incredible he is, I got regular letters and text messages reassuring me about dance classes and essays, every time I went home he drove me back down to London to make sure I got back to the campus safely, he read every essay, every dance magazine to make sure he understood what was happening in my world and when I found things difficult he gave me a tough talking to and reminded me that I had always wanted to dance. Even now he is my rock - when things get tough he knows what to say and when to say it. I'm sure there have been numerous times when I have annoyed him,  got in his way or woken him up when he was working the night shift but his love for me has always been unconditional and without limits. I know how lucky I am to have a dad who is a friend and I hope he knows just how much I love and admire him.

The Phazeys:

A new addition into my life, but one which is really welcome. Ever since my first trip to my in-laws house they have made me feel incredibly welcome and loved. Each trip is filled with talking, laughing and hidden sweets in the spare room!
I am constantly inspired by Stuart to be the best I can be, to try out new things and to continue pursuing the path I am currently on. I see that this is as a direct result from the love he was and continues to be given by his mom, dad and sister.
I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones, not only do I have the most amazing parents and brothers a girl could ever ask for, I have married into a family which is based on love, laughter and support.

This list is of course by no means exclusive to the few people named above. I have two incredible brothers who I have been through thick and thin with, brothers who would do absolutely anything for me and I would for them. They were my first true friends and they are the only people who know me through and through and still love me for it. I also have a list of friends without whom I could not function without, they support me, encourage me, fill me with wine and cocktails and always have an ear spare to listen and clever, constructive advice. To all these people I say Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. This an absolutely lovely post! You are lucky to have so many inspiring supporting people around you! x
