Friday 26 July 2013

Friday Letters #031

Woohoo it is finally Friday! This week feels like it has been dragging on for weeks, whilst I am loving having some time off work I am actually starting to get a little bit bored of my own company. With this is mind I have decided to get my craft on and sort out our back garden - so far I have ideas for jam jar candle holders, spray painting branches of our old tree to hang home made bunting on and lots more ideas - cannot wait!!

Dear Twitter - Why are my strangest and old tweets suddenly being favourited left right and centre?! 
Dear Facebook - I am starting to get a little bit bored of you, debating deleting my account but then again how would I fill those random minutes looking at other peoples pictures?
Dear Coffee - I love you!! Looking forward to learning more about you and discovering the secret of making excellent coffee every time.
Dear E.D - You think I'm not strong, you think you can beat me? There are days when you win and then there are others when I know I can fight you no matter what, hopefully those days will start becoming the norm for me.
Dear R - Thank you for thinking you can confide in me, I love you and I am here for you whenever you need me xxx
Dear Felicity - You are the greatest friend a girl could wish for, you have picked me up more times than I can remember and I know you are there whenever I need you. xxx
Dear Stuart - You rock!! That is all xxxx

I hope you all have a great weekend xxx

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