Wednesday 28 November 2012

I can see clearly now...

Yesterday marked a new phrase in my life - after a lengthy doctors appointment and an even longer opticians appointment I may finally have the answer to all the headaches I have been having recently - after discovering just how blurred my one good eye is (I have a congenital cataract in my right eye) I am now a glasses wearer (well I be next Thursday when they arrive in Boots). To start with I only have to wear them for reading, blogging and using my phone. I have to admit that although I'm excited about wearing glasses - i've wanted them since I was about 5 years ago - I 'm also a little nervous. I don't know how I will feel wearing them, how long it will take for me to get used to them being on my face and (vainly) how I'm going to look wearing them.  

Does anyone have any tips for a newbie glasses wearer?

Fingers crossed next Thursday marks the end of these nasty headaches and the start of a clearer future.


  1. I had to start wearing glasses at about 17 for distance work. It was a bit odd at first but after no time at all everything looks fine and you forget you're wearing them, no matter how bright or thick the frame! Fingers crossed for you x

    1. I am so hoping that these will be the miracle cure I needed :) xx

  2. Keep them clean and don't pay high street prices for glasses - I've been using Glasses Direct for the last 4 years: can get two pairs for less than the price of a high street pair.

    If you needed them for driving/distances, I would recommend you keep one pair "spare" in the car and wear the other: so if you fall/break them, at least you can still legally drive home. But you don't so ignore that ;)

    1. Oh brilliant, will definitely have to have a look at Glasses Direct :) I think I might get 2 pairs so that I can keep a pair in my work bag and a pair in the house! x
